Speaking & Facilitating

I specialize in speaking & facilitating workshops for groups of leaders, executives or employees.

Speaking Topics

  • Appreciative Inquiry

  • Digital Transformation

  • Emotional Intelligence & Mindfulness

  • Leadership Development

  • Leading, Managing & Experiencing Change

  • Life Transitions

Workshop Topics

  • Leading Sustained, Desired Change

  • Transformation, Shifting from Star Performer to Star Manager

  • Developing Mindfulness

  • Appreciative Inquiry - The power of positive intention and inquiry

  • The New Leadership Challenge

  • Navigating Life, Navigating Leadership

Past Presentations

  • Reimagining IT: Transforming Information Technology in Service to the 21st century university, EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, Oct 2018, Denver, CO

  • Reimagining IT: Transforming Information Technology in Service to the 21st century University, RTM Higher Ed Congress, Aug 2018, Washington DC

  • Driving Digital Innovation and Digital Fluency at Penn State; Adobe Creative Campus Collaboration Executive Roundtable, May 2018, London, UK

  • Strengthen Your Leadership Skills for Infosec Success (full day workshop), EDUCAUSE Security Professionals Conference 2018, April 2018, Baltimore, MD

  • Driving Digital Innovation and Digital Fluency at Penn State; Adobe Worldwide Sales Conference, Dec 2017, Las Vegas, NV

  • Transformation: Shifting from Star Performer to Star Manager, EDUCAUSE pre-conference workshop, Oct 2017, Philadelphia, PA

  • EDCUCASE Management Bootcamp 2017. Communication Practices and Styles: Cultivating Better Messaging; Establishing Team Dynamics; Negotiation; Time Management, Delegation & Empowerment; On Becoming a Leader, April 2017, Chicago, IL

  • Emotional Intelligence Deconstructed… Why does this stuff matter anyway? NERCOMP Workshop – IT Leadership and Professional Development through Emotional Intelligence. December 3, 2015, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA

  • The New New Leadership Challenge. NERCOMP Workshop, Nov 13, 2015, Norwood, MA

  • Lessons Learned from Migrating to the Cloud at Case Western Reserve University, Cornell University Cloud Forum, November 4, 2015

  • The Positive Benefits of Mentoring, EDUCAUSE webinar, October 2015

  • The New Leadership Challenge. Campus Technology Annual Conference, July 2015, Boston, MA

  • The New NEW Leadership Challenge. NERCOMP Annual Conference, Apr 1, 2015, Providence, RI