Weekend Intensives

Who are Weekend Intensives for?

My 1:1 weekend intensives are for men over 40 who are going through a change in circumstances, or a surge in life pain and wish to accelerate the transformation, or need time to “get away”.

Individuals who wish to accelerate their learning and personal transformation while experiencing the beauty of Colorado. Clients will stay with me in my home and pursue a program that is custom designed for their needs.  All meals and accommodations are included.

What to expect?

You will spend an entire weekend with me as your coach in my home and participating in custom outdoor activities to enhance your learning.

My approach to weekend intensives includes:

  • Custom Sessions - Concentrated time in custom designed sessions throughout the weekend

  • Time in Nature - Spending time in nature to enhance your learning. Clients will have the choice of Hiking, Kayaking, Paddle-Boarding, Sight-seeing, etc.

  • All inclusive - All meals and accommodations are included in the cost of the package.